About The Team
Chandler Chockalingam
I am studying Software Engineering. I have completed three software engineering internships; two with UTC Aerospace Systems and one with Boeing. During my two internships with UTC Aerospace Systems, I worked on projects related to embedded systems and database management. During my internship this past summer with Boeing, I worked on a deep learning project that included writing Python code to build neural networks to analyze flight data. I have completed coursework at Iowa State in embedded systems, database management, operating systems, user interfaces, software architecture, and software project management.
Victor Da Silva
I am studying Computer Engineering. I have had two summer internships working in the Information Technology Department at Union Pacifc Railroad. At Union Pacific, I worked on projects that included large amounts of database connections and work with properly querying those databases. I also worked on a project that involved the production of an eclipse program that was written in Java. At Iowa State, I have worked with web development, embedded systems, and operating systems.
Josua Gonzales-Neal
I am studying Software Engineering. I worked for a local company name Boxer Property in Houston, Texas as a mobile and web developer creating a app to help service building problems. I worked at iRobot this past summer a mobile developer for Android and iOS working on bugs, push notifications, and provisioning of iRobot’s Roomba, Braava platform. I have worked on projects with Web Design, Mobile UI, embedded systems, and operating systems.
Logan Highland
I am studying Software Engineering. I have just finished my first Software Engineering internship working with the security company WatchGuard Technologies working on UI/UX and Web Development. The work that I did mostly involved using Python, XSLT, and web development tools such as JavaScript, HTML, and PHP. At Iowa State I have worked with embedded systems, web development, and Android Development. I am also working on a side project that will use Arduino boards and a Google Home/Amazon Echo to communicate with a self built machine to pour mixed drinks
Jason Ramirez
I am studying Computer Engineering. My industry experience is within both the manufacturing and aerospace industry. My first internship after Freshman year was with a pharma company working on a tool, written in VBA, for the human resources department. My second internship was with Procter & Gamble. There I utilized C# and reinforcement learning to make a machine on the factory floor faster by 25% (Compared to traditional humans selecting the speeds and timers). My last internship was with The Boeing Company. There I worked on an agile team making applications for both internal and external customers. My biggest project there was working on a data analytics application that dealt with unsupervised learning (text clustering to be exact) written in Python.
Christopher Stapler
I am a senior studying Computer Engineering.This past summer, I was at the University of Florida working on IPOP, an open source user-centric virtual network, where I created a scalable testing environment to visualize the correctness of the VPN software using Bash Scripting, Python and Linux Containers (LXC). Last Spring, I worked at Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines (FHLBDM) as a Web Development Co-op creating web applications using technologies such as Java, Spring Boot, Cucumber and Hibernate. I am also very familiar with PHP and front-end web technologies like Angular and Backbone Marionette having worked at the Office of Student Financial Aid at Iowa State for a full year before interning at FHLBDM.